Leon High School, Tallahassee, 1961

Florida State University, Tallahassee, BS, 1966

University of Dallas, MA 1968

University of Dallas, MFA, 1970


1972 Antiock College, Yellow Springs

1973 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth 

South Methodist University, Dallas

1974 Saint Edwards University, Houston 

Chicago Art Institute

Philadelphia College of Art

High Museum School of Art, Atlanta

University of Houston

1975 Rochester Institute

Maryland Institute, Baltimore

Moore College of Art, Philadelphia

PhiladeIphia College of Art

1976 Chicago Art Institute

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

University of South Florida, Tampa

1977 North Carolina State University, Chapel Hill

1978 University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana

Maryland Institute, Baltimore

1979 Rutgers, The State University, Camden

Kansas City Art Institute

University of South Carolina, Columbia

Appalachian State University, Boone

1980 Memphis State University

1981 Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston

1982 University of Oklahoma, Norman

Birmingham—Southern College

University of Montevallo

1983 University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Museum of Fine Arts School, Boston

1984 University of Cincinnati

1990 Yellowstone Art Center, Billings

Jacksonville Museum of Fine Art

1996 Acadia Summer Arts Program, Northeast Harbor Maine (‘97, ‘98, ‘99, ‘00, ‘06).

2003 Gulf Coast Museum Of Art, Largo

2006 University Of Florida, Gainesville


1980 University of Colorado; 14 days of lectures, 8 critiques

1983 Art Institute of Chicago; 8 days Of lectures & critiques


Braniff Airlines Scholarship, 1966-70

Individual Artist Fellowship Grant, National Endowment for the Arts, 1975, 1982

Florida Fine Arts Council, 1980, 1989

COFRS (Florida State University)

Research Grant to interview and document "Outsider” artist in a four state area, 1990

Research Grant to produce DVD interviews of 7 “Outsider” artist, 2002

A.S.A.P (Acadia Summer Arts Program) Residency Grant 1996, ‘97, ‘98, ‘99, ‘00, ‘06, ‘07


1977 Seven member Individual Artist Fellowship Grant, Visual Arts Advisory Panel, National Endowment for the Arts

1979 Five member Individual Artist Grants Panel, State of Florida Fine Art Council

1986 Four member Project Grants Panel, Lewiston State Art Park

1989 Three member Sculpture Projects Grants Panel, Artists Foundation of Boston

1990 Four member Visual Arts Panel, Illinois State Arts Council


1976 "Southern Rim Conference", Boone, North Caroiina

1979 "Recurring Regionalism: The Southern Rim" National College Arts Association, Washington, D.C.

1980 "Sculpture Made of Wood”, S/W College Arts Conference, Houston

1983 "Southern Rim 2/Visual Language: The Southern Birthright” Birmingham, Alabama

1985 "Use of the Narrative in Southern Art”, Alexandra Art Museum, Louisiana

1995 "Outsider Art Today" Bass Museum Of Art, Miami Beach


ART FORUM September, 1970, "Texas", Martha Utterback, photo

January, 1971, “Texas", Martha Utterback, photo

May, 1971, “Texas", Martha Utterback

February, 1974, photo only, pg. 28

December, 1974, "New York Reviews”, Roberta Smith, photo

September, 1975, ”Painters Reply", collective writings

November, 1976, ”Artpark: The New Esthetic Playground” Barbara Baracks, photo

Summer, 1982, photo only, pg. 30

ART GALLERY July 1971, "Texas: A New Environment", Janet Kutner, photo

ART INTERNATIONAL February 1971, "Letter De New York", J. Marandel

November 1974, "New York Letter”, Phyllis Derfner

ART LINES July 1982, Review, Julien Wood, photos, pg. 31

ART NEW ENGLAND December 1983, Review, Jessica Potter, photo, pg. 9

ART NEWS May 1973, "Contemporary Art in Texas: On the Road to Maturity”, Henry T. Hopkins, photo

February 1975, ”New York Reviews", Barbara Zucker

April 1976, "Los Angeles: Salton Sea to Muscle Beach”, Elizabeth Perimutter

December 1982, "From Boogeyman to The End Result of Constructivist Theory", Review, Susan Kabil, photo

ART PAPERS July - August 1981, ”Interview: Jim Roche", Dan Talley, photos, pgs. 1-3

ARTS March 1973, “The Young Texans", Jan Butterfield, photo

ARTSPACE Winter 1985-1986, Houston Letter, Carol Everingham, pgs. 55—56

ART WEEK February 21, 1976, "Earthworks Surveyed", Kristine McKenna

February 18, 1978, “Narratives In Words and Images, Merle Schipper

AVALANCHE Winter-Spring 1973, photo only, pg. 7

Summer 1976, “Jim Roche: Straight Razor,” Willoughby Sharp, photo

BOMB Fall 1993, Art, Saul Ostrow, Photos pgs. 85-87

CONTEMPORARY ART, SOUTHEAST Volume 1, #1 1977, photo only, pg. 49

Volume II, #2 1978, photo only, pg. 31

DOMUS November 1976, “A Biennial Only Verbally Renewed,” Ranato Barilli, photo

HIGH PERFORMANCE Issue 25, Spring 1984, “Looking at the 60's Through the 70‘s and 80's,” View point Review, photos, pg. 90 and 15.

HOTROD December 1984, “Art as Car,” P.G., pg. 16

IMAGES 8: ISSUES Summer 1982, photo only, pg. 16

November 1982, Review, Susan Kabil, photo, pg. 70

IN ART November 1986, R.U.O.K?, Meredith Jack, photos, pgs. 16-17

L'ARCHITETTURA August—September 1976, “Duecento Anni Di Soggezione Degli Animaii,” photo

MUSEUM NEWS January - February 1974, “Out of Print,” Robert Kjorlien, photo, pg. 60,61

NEW ART EXAMINER June 1986, “Laughing to Keep From Crying,” Karl Moehl, pg. 56

NEWSWEEK August 7, 1972, “Big D,” Kent Biffle, photo

March 26, 1979, “The Dizzy Decade,” Mark Stevens, photo

NEW YORKER September 1975, “Talk of the Town",” Renata Adler

RESEARCH IN REVIEW Spring 1991, “Born to be Wild" Jim Richardson, color photos, pgs. 1-5

STERN September 1985, “Automobile,” Matthias Matussek, (Z—page color photo, page 112), pgs. 104—122

STUDIO INTERNATIONAL September—October 1976, "Venice: To be or Not To Bienalle", Lucinda Hawkins

TIME September 10, 1984, “Auto-Intoxication in Los Angeles", Woif Von Eckardt, photo, pages 63—64


1969 “Potted Mama Plants” University of Dallas, Irving, Texas, Catalogue

1974 “Return to Florida Piece" Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

1974 "All In My Background Piece” Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Catalogue

1974 "Preparatory Drawings" Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston

1980 "Jim Roche: Drawings for Sculpture 1970—1980” University of Colorado, Boulder

1981 "Days of Reckoning” Kansas City Art Institute Kansas City, Catalogue

1983 "The End Result of Constructivist Theory“ Washington Project For the Arts, Washington, D. C

1983 "What's Right Is Right; What‘s Left Is Wrong" University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Color poster

1986 "Jesus, Is the Way 2 Go" Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston—Salem, Catalogue

1990 “Sign Times" Yellowstone Art Center, Billings, Catalogue, Color poster

2003 “Jim Roche: Sense Of Place” Gulf Coast Museum of Art, Largo, Catalogue, Color Photos, DVD

2004 “Jim Roche: Selected Works 1968 - 2004” Brogan Museum Of Art, Tallahassee, Color Photos, double CD set of audio performance

2006 “A Jim Roche Experience” Sculptural instailation plus a drawing series “Dr. Curve’s Favorite Roads,” Double DVD production of video performance works University of Florida Art Gallery, Gainesville.


1970 "Like Peas In A Pod” One Man Place, Dallas, Catalogue

"Project South/Southwest" Fort Worth Art Center, Fort Worth, Catalogue, Traveled

"Whitney Annual/Sculpture” Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

1971 "South Texas Sweet Funk" Saint Edwards University, Austin

1972 "Seventh Annual Selected Painters Show" Mulvance Museum, Topeka, Kansas

"Texas Artist 1972" Dallas Museum of Fine Art, Dallas

"Dallas/Forth Worth/Houston Invitational" Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Catalogue, Traveled

1973 “Green, Mims, Roche, Wade" Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler, Catalogue, Traveled

1974 "North, East, South, West, and Middle" Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, Catalogue, Traveled

1975 "Tree Grave Site Piece" Artpark, Lewiston, New York, Catalogue

"Art in Landscape‘Uhiversity of [11111013, Normal, Catalogue, Traveled

1976 "Critical Perspectives in American Art" University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Catalogue

“37th Venice Biennial” United States Pavilion, Venice, Catalogue

"Private Notations/Artist Sketchbooks” Philadelphia College of Art, Philadelphia

"Bicentennial Welfare Cadillac” Artpark, Lewiston, New York, Catalogue

1977 “Outdoor Environmental Art" New Gallery Of San Diego, San Diego

“The Flood Relief Auction" Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Catalogue

"Custom and Culture" United States Custom House, New York, Catalogue, Creative Time

"10th Biennale De Paris” Museum of Modern Art, Paris, Catalogue

"Texas Print and Drawing Show" Elmira College, New York

"The American Paris Biennale” Hudson River Museum, Yonkers

"American Narrative/Story Art 1967—1977" Contemporary Arts

Museum, Houston, Catalogue, Performance Audio Record,Traveled

1978 “Record As Artwork“ Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, Catalogue, Traveled

1979 “Image and Object in Contemporary Sculpture:” The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Catalogue, Traveled

1980 “A Sound Selection: Audio Works by Artist” University of Hartford Joseloff Gallery, Hartford Catalogue, Traveled

1981 "Drawing Invitational” University of Nebraska at Omaha, Catalogue

"Sculpture and Site Works: Arts Festival of Atlanta” Piedmont Park, Atlanta, Catalogue

"10th Anniversary Exhibition" Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler, Texas

1983 "Jim Morgan Memorial Exhibition" Kansas City Art Institute Catalogue

"Drawings By Sculptors", The Museum School Gallery, Boston

"Feliowship Artists, Florida 1982—1983", Florida State University Fine Arts Gallery, Tallahassee, Catalogue

1984 "Laughing To Keep From Crying~Dark Humor In The South“ Contemporary Art Center, New Orleans, Catalogue, Traveled

"Nineteen Eighty-Four", Arts Consortium, Cincinnati

“Automobile and Culture", The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Catalogue, Traveled

1988 "Couples", N orth Miami Museum and Art Center, North Miami, Catalogue

1989 "Made in Florida", USF Art Gallery; Tampa, Catalogue, Color Poster, Traveled Abroad

"Featuring Florida: Three From Tallahassee", Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Catalogue

1990 "Carsinart: The Automobile Icon", Pensacola Museum of Art, Catalogue

“NEA Fellowships Exhibition, Florida State University Gallery,Tallahassee

1992 “Assemblage“, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Catalogue, Color Photos, Winston Salem

“24th Annual Art Auction", Ye110wstone Art Center, Catalogue, Photo, pg. 25

"20th Anniversary of Visiting Artist", University of Colorado Art Gallery, Catalogue, Color Photos, Boulder

"In Praise of Folly”, John Michael Kohier Arts Center, Catalogue, Photo, Sheboygan

1993 "More Is More: The Art of The Oak Cliff Group", University of Texas, Arlington, 4 Man Exhibition, Catalogue, Photos

1999 "1999 Biennial Exhibition Of Public Art" Neuberger Museum Of Art, Purchase College Of New York, Purchase, Catalogue, Color Photos

2002 “Florida Fellowships: 25th Anniversary Exhibition,” Lowe Art Museum, Miami, Catalogue, Color Photo, Traveled to five other locations.

2006 “High Roads and Low Roads, Museum of Fine Arts, Florida State University, Catalogue, Color Photos

2007 “HomeGrown SouthEast,” Southeastern Center For Contemporary Art, Winston—Salem, NC.

“Super Vision,” The Institute Of Contemporary Art, Boston, 1 was included in the 21 artist, Double CD, entitled “Music Overheard” which the museum produced in conjunction with the exhibition.


1976 John Doyle Gallery, Chicago

1981 Morgan Gallery, Kansas City

1982 Moody Gallery, Houston

1985 Moody Gallery, Houston


1969 Clean Well Lighted Place, Austin

1970 Janie C. Lee Gallery, Dallas

1972 Dennis Hopper Gallery, Taos

1973 Paula Cooper Gallery, New York

1976 Delahunty Gallery, Dallas

1980 Fendrick Gallery, Washington

1983 Morgan Gallery, Kansas City


1990 Haiti: Actualities & Beliefs", Florida State University Museum, Catalogue, Twenty—two Color Plates, Guest Curator, 82 paintings

1993 "Unsigned, Unsung, Whereabouts Unknown: Make—Do Art of the American Outlands", Florida State University Museum, Eighty Page Catalogue, Thirty Color Plates, NEA Grant, Guest Curator, 288 Artworks



1989 University of South Florida Art Museum, Tampa

Musee Cantini, Marseille, France

Prinvincal Museum, Hasset, Belgium

1990 Centre d'Art Santa Monica, Barcelona, Spain

Jacksonville Art Museum

Yellowstone Art Center, Billings


1974 “Fight It Out“, Paula Cooper Gailery, 1 hour 12 minutes, 10 selections, New York

1987 "New Works", Stark Club, 25 minutes, one selection, Dallas

1988 "Political Art In Florida”, The Warehouse, 32 minutes, 6 selections,Tallahassee

1989 “Frontier Production", The Warehouse, 24 minutes, 4 selections, Tallahassee

1990 "Direct to Tape", Cage Gallery, 28 minutes, 3 selections, Cincinnati

2002 UbuWeb archives/WFMU radio, New York City, they offer radio play of various characters plus maintain a current MP3 library of my past audio work.



1980 Invisible City, August 1980, a collection of poetry, Red Hill Press, Fairfax, California, "Straight Razor", pg 6

1983 Boxcar, January 1983, a magazine of visual arts, literature and music, Los Angeles, "Fight It Out", page 23


1972 33 1/ 3 RPM, 7" Phonograph Record, four selections 22 minutes, Distributed by Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler, Texas

1977 33 1/ 33 RPM, 10” Phonograph Record, one seIeCtion, 5 minutes 40 seconds, Distributed by Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston

1979 Double Stereo Cassette, Breathing Space 79, an international anthology of sound text, one selection, 5 minutes 40 seconds

1983 33 1/ 3 RPM, Double Stereo Album, 13 selections, one hour 25 minutes, Learning, to Count: Jim Roche Early Works, Morgan Gallery, Kansas City, Hard Line Productions (edition of 750)

1990 33 1/ 3 RPM/Stereo Album, One Selection, 6 minutes, Slacker, distributed by Detour Films, Austin (movie sound track)

2004 Double CD set, 16 selections, 102 minutes, Learning To Count: Jim Roche Early Works 1971 to 1980, Mary Brogan Museum Of Art, Tallahassee (edition of 1000)

2006 Compilation CD MUSIC OVERHEARD edited by Damon Krukowski and curated by Ken Goldsmith (UbuWeb/WFMU) for the Boston Institute of Comtemporary Art inaugural exhibition “Super Vision” Selection from 1972,“Straight Razor.”


2003 “High Octane Generation” DVD of fourteen video performance characters, Gulf Coast Museum of Art, Largo, Catalogue, Color Photos (edition of 1000)

2006 “A Jim Roche Experience” DVD of thirty video performance characters, produced by the University of Florida Gallery (edition of 1000)


1986 “Something Wild,” dir. Jonathan Demme, Orion Pictures, motel handyman, several lines

1987 “Married To The Mob,” dir. Jonathan Demme, Orion Pictures, swat team leader, several lines

1990 “Slacker,” dir. Richard Linklater Orion Classics, script adaptation of audio performance and 6—minute selection in sound track

1990 “Silence of the Lambs,” Orion Pictures, television evangelist, silent sermon on child abuse (actual 8 minute sermon on DVD)

1993 “Philadelphia,” dir. Jonathan Demme Tri Star Pictures, Pro—AIDS crowd leader, several lines

1998 “Beloved,” dir. Jonathan Demme, Touchstone Pictures, Side show barker, several lines

2003 “The Manchurian Canidate,” dir. Jonathan Demme, Paramount Pictures, Florida Senator, several lines

2007 “Dancing With Shiva,” Sony Pictures, Nashville singer, several lines


1984 ”Hally-Lou" script by Jo Harvey Allen, Japan American Center, Los Angeles, Traveled, Palace of Fine Art, San Francisco, I was "Hollis," a main audio character

1993 "Chippy, Diaries of a West Texas Hooker",produced by American Music Theater Festivai, Philadelphia, I have a seven minute solo performance character done in video projection. Premier in June 1994 in Philadelphia, traveled to Lincoln Center of Performing Arts, New York in July